Shadow Flare's Review
Note: I judge submissions by the standards of today despite the experience with flash the author had at the time nor when the author submitted it.
Graphics: 6 - The graphics were simply done but they were acceptable enough. Except for the stick figures..
Style: 10 - THe game was fun and a little bit challenging, especailly with the final boss.
Sound: 10 - Sound effects and background music. I think it could of used with some tortured screams of the dying stick figures.
Violence: 6 - Screw up, you see your lil' stick figure buddies die (does not effect overall rating).
Interactivity: 10 - Got to pay attention to everything and be sure when to drop the stick figures.
Humor: 0 - Does not apply to this submission.
Overall: 9 - I average all the individual ratings together and round up the result to give the author the overall. I do this to be more fair than I possibly would be otherwise.
Note: I beat it! Woo hoo!