My friend likes that song.. I think I'll send this to her :-D Prrrrrrrrow
My friend likes that song.. I think I'll send this to her :-D Prrrrrrrrow
That's what he gets for having his music cranked up so loud.. I hate it when people pass by and my house vibrates cause of their damn music.. Only I'm allowed to have my music that loud, god damn it!
Handicap Guy is Cool
The handicap guy saves the flash again!
That was rather frightening.
That was really really scary... but the dude in the chair with the chicken book was awesome :-D
Cute Alcoholic Puppies
Sorry that I can't go over a 7 with these videos. I like dogs. I think they should live. But it's an animated dog so I give you 7 and just keep the last three cause it's still a dog. Ghetto Booty? Alright, then lol I never thought a dog could drive a car, get drunk, go to a strip bar, and get a hooker either.
Poor Dog...
Ah.. Scrotum is killed again. You are really cruel this dog, dude. How would you feel if people had you fetch granades or shot you because you were wearing gang colors? Hmm? Alright, you don't give a crap but oh well.
Poor Puppy!
Hmm.. the oldest Flash Video on here. Awesome. I feel sorry for Scrotum.. the puppy.. eh.. yeah. Only a twisted, demented, screwed up person could come up with something like that.. hmm.. someone like me :-D Good work.
Smith Mobile?
I didn't know Smith had a Smith Mobile... I actually find it quite amusing, but you could work on the graphics a little bit. Then rob a bank so you can buy yourself a new kick ass sound system and a burger.
I hate this cartoon I made.
One of these days its gonna be soooo deleted.
I'm ashamed of it.
Game not movie
The thing said Watch Movie instead of Watch Game. It was interesting, but the graphics could have used more work.
Death is every man of my stature's Dream. However, my dream is beyond that. Though Death may seem so bitter sweet, I have more in life to live for. I live for my love and my future. To live ever moment as is. Nothing shall ever bring me down..
Joined on 11/6/04