That was actually kind of funny but I need to remember to look at the ratings. I find that animal sex is extremely disturbing.. and so is car battery sex... and so are these Bojangler movies.. and so are your graphic skills...
That was actually kind of funny but I need to remember to look at the ratings. I find that animal sex is extremely disturbing.. and so is car battery sex... and so are these Bojangler movies.. and so are your graphic skills...
The point?
Ok.. it was a movie where a couple of body parts and a kid is throwing at a truck and it has voices you can't understand plus it's done in very bad graphics... You like that? Then watch it and go get help.
Stick Figures...
Even as your first attempt at flash, it is horrible. People shouldn't submit their flash movies until they have actually obtained a decent amount of skill. Stick figures are annoying as hell and hard to pull off. Their have been a couple but not many that have pulled off the stick figure thing, and you are definatly not one of them. If you are going to make a flash, make something decent and avoid DBZ because that anime has just gotten extremely annoying, even back then.
Anger... Building...
Making a flash showing random ways on how "dick heads" or anyone could die is not a good flash. It only shows how many problems a person has and in this case how the person's flash abilities are crap. Not only was the plot (if it would be called a plot) was stupid, pointless, and utterly disgusting, the graphics were bad and there was not much sound to it where you could have added more sound. It was short and stupid and something I wouldn't want to have made again. Thankfully by looking at your other submissions it seems that you didn't make another Kill All Dickheads or anything with the word "kill" in the title. But if I find that those are more senseless kill random people for someone's amusment and giving no challenge games, I'm going to go on a rampage in my damn review.
Not very funny..
I didn't find this movie very funny and I didn't find the graphics were really good.. I hope you don't make 45 minutes of this crap...
I have to admit, I found some of it funny, but this isn't a flash.. it's a bunch of cycling text. It could have used much more since there was no effort but into this except for thinking up things and putting it after "e-" and then typing it.
Unhappy Thoughts
The thought of you ever getting the idea to make this makes me very unhappy with you. This isn't a flash at all. It's a horribly drawn background with text scrolling upward from some dialogue from a TV skit for you to read. This is truly horrible.
Listen to the author
Listen to the author. It's true! It's very horrid! I should have closed my eyes like he said.. or have done what you should do and not even bother watching it. It's a very bad flash but ok for a first flash attempt. However, does not meet flash standards of either today or back then.
Death is every man of my stature's Dream. However, my dream is beyond that. Though Death may seem so bitter sweet, I have more in life to live for. I live for my love and my future. To live ever moment as is. Nothing shall ever bring me down..
Joined on 11/6/04