Shadow Flare's Review
Note: I judge by today's standards despite the date the portal entry was submitted nor the author's experience with flash at the time.
Graphics (3) - Most of the graphics were taken from somewhere else and had a little bit of effects added to it. There were some that were made by the author, but they were not too good.
Style (2) - It's stupid...
Sound (6) - Dialogue was mostly understandable from Han but not from Yoda. Sound effects were added with the blaster and bow caster.
Violence (8) - Yoda is murdered by Han and Chewbacca.
Interactivity (0) - None
Humor (0) - I don't find fart jokes funny.
Overall (3) - I average the scores that would be counted for the submission together and round it up to give out fair enough scores. (Graphics, style, sound, humor).
Note to Author: You disgraced Star Wars.